Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Ahhh! The Good 'Ol Days
Be well all,
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
A New Chapter In Life

Monday, October 27, 2008
Time For A Big Change
Saturday, October 4, 2008
From Baggs Wyoming
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Back in the saddle again...

Ahhh! The open road. This is out in Wyoming on I-80. a place where the wind will blow you off the road, and out into the desert. Thankfully, on this day it wasn't so bad.
Now that the little bugger is out the womb, I need to tell all of you something. I named my truck after a good friend's new born baby boy. This Pete 379 is now dubbed Dexter, after Dexter Augustus Coppola, Christophers and the lovely Mrs. Coppola's new born. See him @
Be well
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Alot of thought given...
John McCain has a very impressive record of accomplishment in life. He has gone through adversity with courage and a measure of dignity. He has served as a public servant in the U.S. Senate and fought for what he believes in. And I can see his agenda. Another run at failed policies that have driven our country into poverty for the majority, and wealth beyond belief for a select few. Himself included.
Barack Obama came from hard work and dignity from a mixed background. He has shaken the hands of the poor, and the wealthy. He is young, and enthusiastic. And made a statement at his acceptance speech that sticks to me very well.
"Change doesn't come from Washington. It comes TO Washington."
He is not the son of an Admiral of the U.S. Navy.
He did not forsake his committment to his wife, to exploit the resources of a younger woman.
And he is surrounding himself with the people who fill the gap of inexperience, and listens to them.
I will cast my vote for the best candidate. And that candidate IS Barack Obama!
Now ask yourselves....Do you want a President who was a "Party Animal"? One who has the influence of George W. Bush, and oil executives as his guidence. Or do you want a President who comes from hard work, and fire in the belly for all peoples. I know what way I'm going, and I didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday. I drove it.
And on a side note...I used to be Republican. Not anymore, unless the Bush family, or McCain families become Democrat.
I just want a better life for me and my family.
Be well all.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Another New Gig
I will be home on the weekends and telling the tales of the open road, so tune in all!
Be well.

Thursday, August 21, 2008
The Pirate of the Coppola Family
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
On the 31st of July I witnessed something extraordinary. It was 10:15 PM M.S.T and I was having a quiet smoke on the porch, when I heard a jet in the sky. I looked up to see the customary blue and green lights of the jet, but a white flashing light caught my eye coming from the south traveling north. This white strobe was almost directly overhead when it suddenly emitted a very bright white flash of light that lasted for about 1/2 a second, and then the object turned to the east ad accelerated at a tremendous burst of speed and disappeared over the horizon. Faster than anything I have ever seen. It also left a reddish streak behind it.
I am convinced that what I saw was the Wac'api Oyate, or Star People.
I invite all to post their experiences here, and tell me what you have seen.
I called a friend and told him of the occurrence, and he told me there are things happening that we are all part of, and the Star People are coming here to watch it happen. He put it like this. "They all got tickets and are coming to see the show."
Look at the state of the world these days and ask yourself what it is that they are coming to see.
I know.
Be well, all.
The Barn
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Follow your HEART Talk
I have a very good friend in this space and time, and we have never met in person. His name is Doug, and he is The Hobo Prophet. He made a film with the help of my good friend Christopher Coppola. That film was titled "I Am", and is a testimony to the human spirit as seen through the eyes of Doug. It is there that I learned of this HEART TALK. Today I use it every day in some aspect or another. I encourage all who visit here to go to the link provided and become a student of "All For One".
The Prophet is a very humble man who, like many of us, has had his days of adversity. He has made a good name for himself, and is a model for one and all. You do not have to be like The Prophet. I will never advocate that type of being. I will tell you though that I have used Doug's method of thought, ie, HEART TALK, to get through my own adversities, and it works.
Thank you Hobo Prophet! From the bottom of my HEART TALKER.
Mitakuye Oyasin!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Some things just don't belong...

Some things just do not belong in some places. This is one of them there instances. If one looks at the goings on in the world today, there is an awful lot of that happening. Heyoka! The tricksters are out and powerful. A good friend has this statement that rings so true in these times. "There are no rules."
Open yourselves up to the possibilities of self governing. Reality tells us we need food, so learn how to grow it. You need clean water, so prepare by learning proper sterilization techniques. Learn how to build shelter. We are the hairless creatures, and need that protection.
And here is the best observation of reality. Don't go where you don't belong.
To Maga overheated 3 times going up to this delivery. She was a tired Peterbilt when she hit the barn that day.
Mitakuye Oyasin! Aho!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Reflection on the way of things is hard to do. When one goes it alone for a while, they see things that most do not. Through desensitization our species are as cattle to slaughter. But take the time to get away from the rhetoric and a new light illuminates the world. Free thinking is the way to freedom.
We as a species are lost. Money, politics, & possessions are the things that blurr our vision of this wonderful world. In this photo, I hiked 1000 feet up to get away from it for a little while. But no matter where I looked, there was man. Dominating the planet as he has done so well in history. It saddens me to think that this is how we treat our home. How?
Resource elimination. Murder. Rape. Theft. Elections. Foreclosures. Repossession. Class distinction. Religion.
These are just the few that come right to mind. Now think of the ability to live without the structure of society. Have we lost our way?
I, for the first time in my life had to choose to either spend my hard earned money for gasoline to get to work to make money to get to work, or give up a meal or two. I gave up the meal.
The Government that I pay taxes to, has made this country into a lost dog searching for a place to call home. From door to door he goes, looking only for a safe place to rest his head, and eat a meal. Hungry and lonely is that dog.
We have a leadership that is running rampant in the world. Lying to it's citizens in order to achieve it's objectives. Profiteers and Corporate Heads running the world as if it BELONGED to them. While at the same time, all the money I am making as a taxpaying contributor to the corporation called The United States Of America, is only paying for gasoline to get to work to buy more gasoline.
WAKE UP HUMANS! Feed yourselves. Not the machine.
As a species we better learn to garden, and can food. We better learn how to clean water to drink. We better get used to walking a long way to get something we need. But most importantly, we better get used to helping those who need it. Not just kicking that dog off the porch.
If I am hungry, who will feed me? ME! That's who.
Times are changing. And it's not going to be pretty when the repair is realized. Repair what, you might ask? Humanity.
Those of you who still have hope in humanity, need to be the example. I try and set the example, but I am but one of 6 billion.
Our Creator will be paying us, as a species, a visit very soon. How will you a an individual be able to answer the questions that will be asked. I know I will be guiltless. I will continue to pray for help. I will keep an open mind of universal things that have to do with us as a species.
And as a parting shot, think about this.
I will be giving up many meals to feed the machine, only because I have no choice at this time. Like minds need to band together. Unfortunately I stand alone.
Mitakuye Oyasin!
Friday, June 6, 2008
On My Hamblec'a Tomarrow
To all who visit here...Thank you so much for the encouragement you provide me in your kind words.
That would be Doug and The Monkey.
See you when I return, and I'll tell you what I can.
Mitakuye Oyasin! Aho!
Friday, May 30, 2008
600 of 700 DONE!

Sunday, May 25, 2008
More Is Better

Thursday, May 15, 2008
From Another Time

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Getting Medicine

His actor buddy Aubry was so kind as to go with him on the sage gathering duty, and by the looks of it, they hit gold! Gold of the medicine kind.
Mitakuye Oyasin!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
From The Hobo Prohet

Saturday, May 10, 2008
Tunkas'ila is helping me.

Thursday, May 1, 2008
Human Thought & Action
With that said, I have embarked on a spiritual journey that I am finding very hurtful. Not because of how I take things. Rather because of how things are.
I do not make "FRIENDS" easily. And those that I consider as such keep on being human, and it is my observation that human beings are, at no fault of any individual of this time in the universe, selfish, and destructable.
How? Take into consideration these facts about myself. I will give you the shirt off my back, but there are those out in the world that will just as well TAKE it off my back. If time is needed to help with a task, I will give it freely. However I find that it is a demanded part of a relationship in some cases.
Communication is a very intricate part of relationships. But most of the human beings I know treat communication as if it is a controled tool to aquire personal benifit.
There are a few people out in this universe at this moment in time that I will call a friend. I will list them now, and just see how short the list is.
Karen, Vaughn, Roberto, Doug A., Westley& family, Alan T., Coppola, Monkey, & AWNB.
That being said, I know thousands of human beings I wish were in that catagory, but there is always some string attached.
On The C'unka Luta, ceremonies are a gift from our Creator. No body owns them. When money is a requirement to the participation of ceremonies, it is corrupted. Our Creator does not require money or gifts for the ceremonies to be performed, but there are some human beings that do.
Withholding a ceremony that we are instructed to use as a way of getting closer to our Creator is an abomination. Our Creator has made us, and we are to seek him in all things we do. But in the course of history humans have made attempts to block individuals from having a pure relationship with The Creator. Something that has the requirement of money or gifts. This is wrong to do! If you find you are not included in the list of those I consider my friends, all it takes is humility and communication. Put your egos aside and open up. Life is too short not to have friends. And more importantly, say you are, and proving otherwise by your actions.
If you are my friend, then put the control issues aside and just be my friend. If you have said you are but your actions prove otherwise, stay away from me. I can see right through it all, and I am having a pure relationship with my Creator. There is no single thing more important to me than to be able to be instructed by the one who had created me. Tunkas'ila.
Mitakuye Oyasin
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Chester The Mule
Hey everyone. Tis is Chester The Mule. Today I spent all day riding Chester. He's a great friend, and very sure footed. Give a howdy to 'ol Chester would ya?
Friday, April 11, 2008
Spirit Guide Revealed
Since the blessing ceremony for C'anupa, alot of great things have happened to me. I have found the person who will be conducting my Hambleac'a ceremony. It will be in Minnesota, in June, and this person who will be performing this important ceremony also is an interpreter of dreams and visions. I met him at an Inipi ceremony that he did for our small C'unka Luta Family here, and told me the meaning of my dream as it was told to him by the spirit that has decided to guide me on this C'unka Luta Was'te.
What the dream was about is not important to all of you. Only me. But the spirit that has taken me under his wing is quite unique.
Now most people would like to have something like an Eagle, or a powerful spirit like the Buffalo, or Bear. But I have the honor of having a very humble creature as my spirit guide.
He is a Goose.
Noble, humble, monogamous, and beautiful.
Thank you Brother Goose for guiding me through this crazy life. Thank you for choosing me!
Mitakuye Oyasin!
Friday, March 21, 2008
I Carry C'anupa
Last night I took the plunge. I finished making C'anupa and I brought it to the Inipi Ceremony last night. I had the honor of being the Firekeeper for the ceremony, and it was a test to say the least. The wind was howling all day, and we were considering not having the sweat. At 4:30 P.M. the wind suddenly died down enough that I thought it safe to light the fire and get the Grandfather Stones ready for the Inipi. As soon as I got it lit, 'ol Ceyote poped his trickster head up from the clouds and the wind began it's onslaught once again.
Keep in mind that whaen an Inipi fire is lit, there is no turning back, and that had a direct relationship with the entire evening.
Our Sweat Leader was suddenly out in a town 60 miles away looking over a horse that he in considering buying, and the wood for the fire was burning fast. It was like a blowtorch from the wind. At about 8:00 P.M. the people began to show up, then came the time to put the C'anupa on the sacred mound. Before I did this, there was a Sundancer from the Porcupine Reservation, who asked me if I was going to do a Blessing Ceremony for that C'anupa. I gave it a little thought and said yes. I made a tobbacco offering to the Sweat Leader and requested the ceremony. He agreed to do it.
We loaded the C'anupa and placed it on the mound, and I hauled thsoe rocks in. 65 of them. Then I went in and was the Door Keeper as well. It was a man sweat, as there were no women in attendence at this sweat. A very rare occurance. On top of it all, there was this tremendous full Moon witnessing the entire ceremony.
After the 3rd round, The Sundancer told the Sweat Leader to tell me to get the C'anupa, and bring it in.
I will not tell you what was said in that lodge, as it is Wakan, and should not be discussed outside the lodge, but I will tell you this. I was given the opportunity to put C'anupa back on the mound and not be a carrier. But this I cannot, and will not do.
I am a C'anupa Carrier.
I will not do drugs EVER AGAIN! I will not drink alcohol EVER AGAIN! I will not lie EVER AGAIN! And when I am asked to do something in a good way I will do it. I will not be a violent person in any way. I will carry that C'anupa in a Wakan manner. I will pray with that C'anupa, and let others who have the right to pray with it do so as well.
The C'anupa does not belong to me, I belong to it, and I will walk in that manner on this C'unka Luta Was'te.
I will do this for the rest of my entire life, and I will do it with humility, and respect for the White Buffalo Calf Women who gave it to the Lakota people.
Mitakuye Oyasin! Aho!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The White Moon became Red, and so shall I!
I will be having a ceremony to be adopted into the Lakota Sioux Nation very soon. In order for me to practice this Red Road, I will not be seen as a "wannabe". I shall become. I did not choose my ancestry, my ancestry chose me. The only place I have not found hypocracy in spiritual belief is this Red Road. If I am to go cry for my vision from the Creator, Tunkasila, I must become closer to the people who are trusted in keeping it sacred. The White Buffalo Calf Woman came to these humble people, and presented them with The Sacred Calf Pipe hundreds of years ago, before the Whiteman came to conquer this beautiful land and it's peoples. By my becomming Lakota I will prove by my actions that my white race does not always follow the Black Road, but understands and accepts this closeness to the Creator. I hope to be an example to my people, of how it should be done, this worship, in a good way.
Mitakuye Oyasin!
Photo courtesy: AP
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Searching For A Vision
I have walked on a Red Road for quite some time now, and regularly attend an Inipi Ceremony. It is a purification ceremony that the native peoples of this continent practice.
In June I will go to a special Inipi Ceremony and then immediatly be taken to a secluded place on a hill, where I will sit in one place and pray to the Creator for 4 days. No food or water during that time. Just me and the universe. I will pray to recieve a vision of what it is I am supposed to do in this world.
That is a very strange thing as I am 44 years of age now, and will be 45 when I go up on the hill. Native Americans go when they are young, and do it every year for the rest of their life, or until they recieve their vision from Tunkashila. (The Creator)
There are certain people I will ask to help me by keeping a fire while I am there. There must be a fire kept during this time of prayer. I have already asked the people I have selected to be there for this work. I will only ask once, and then put my trust in Tunkashile to guide them to this work. It must be in the heart of the ones asked. I think it will become apparent to those selected of the importance of this act of kindness.
I post this Blog now as a cronicle of this journey I am embarking on.
Mitakuye Oyasin! (All My Relations)