
Thursday, May 1, 2008

Human Thought & Action

I have a mind the uses both right and left hemishperes at the same time. This is a terrible thing to be able to use, as it means that I have a totally open mind to everything that goes on around me. I not only have the ability to decern actions, but the ability to analize the intent of actions. I am artistic and logical all in the same word.
With that said, I have embarked on a spiritual journey that I am finding very hurtful. Not because of how I take things. Rather because of how things are.
I do not make "FRIENDS" easily. And those that I consider as such keep on being human, and it is my observation that human beings are, at no fault of any individual of this time in the universe, selfish, and destructable.
How? Take into consideration these facts about myself. I will give you the shirt off my back, but there are those out in the world that will just as well TAKE it off my back. If time is needed to help with a task, I will give it freely. However I find that it is a demanded part of a relationship in some cases.
Communication is a very intricate part of relationships. But most of the human beings I know treat communication as if it is a controled tool to aquire personal benifit.
There are a few people out in this universe at this moment in time that I will call a friend. I will list them now, and just see how short the list is.
Karen, Vaughn, Roberto, Doug A., Westley& family, Alan T., Coppola, Monkey, & AWNB.
That being said, I know thousands of human beings I wish were in that catagory, but there is always some string attached.
On The C'unka Luta, ceremonies are a gift from our Creator. No body owns them. When money is a requirement to the participation of ceremonies, it is corrupted. Our Creator does not require money or gifts for the ceremonies to be performed, but there are some human beings that do.
Withholding a ceremony that we are instructed to use as a way of getting closer to our Creator is an abomination. Our Creator has made us, and we are to seek him in all things we do. But in the course of history humans have made attempts to block individuals from having a pure relationship with The Creator. Something that has the requirement of money or gifts. This is wrong to do! If you find you are not included in the list of those I consider my friends, all it takes is humility and communication. Put your egos aside and open up. Life is too short not to have friends. And more importantly, say you are, and proving otherwise by your actions.
If you are my friend, then put the control issues aside and just be my friend. If you have said you are but your actions prove otherwise, stay away from me. I can see right through it all, and I am having a pure relationship with my Creator. There is no single thing more important to me than to be able to be instructed by the one who had created me. Tunkas'ila.
Mitakuye Oyasin