Hey everybody,
Meet Shilah. She is a 6 year old, pure breed, blue heeler.
Here's the thing. I found a posting for this dog on Craigs List. I went to meet her a few days ago, and all she wanted to do was bite my hands. I put the kabash to that right away, and she went on with her regular routine. The people who were fostering Shilah, were more afraid to let this dog go than the dog was, but we decided to let her have a 3 day sleep over at my place here on the farm. She showed up yesterday, and has yet to explore all the commings and goings here at the farm. SHE LOVES IT! The best part is she has not even thought about this biting thing since she showed up here.
Now for the real wierd part. My wife left me to go live with her daughter, and start a "New Life". My wifes daughter is named Shila. (Pronounced Shilah) I don't know. Maybe it's just me, but I have never before meeting this dog, met anyone with the name Shila, with my wifes daughters name being the exception.
Strange things still going on...
Be well,