Merry Christmas all!
Here is a picture of what I consider my Christmas Tree.
That tree is last years Sun Dance Tree. She stands adorned from the warrior Sundancers who captured her last summer. I came down off the hill from Hanblec'a, and the next day we went to cut down this tree for The Sun Dance Ceremony. The Tree is representitive of an "enemy" that is captured and brought back to the tribe. There the enemy is adorned and fed and given a position of honor within the tribe.
That day is called "Tree Day". The following morning the Sun Dance begins it's 4 day journey. We all gather around the arbor and the dancers dance around that tree all day for 4 days. NO food or water for the dancers during the dance. We pray for them to have the strength needed to pierce and break away from the tree.
That was back in August. Now it's Christmas time, and I have adopted this beautiful tree as my "Native American Christmas Tree".