Been away for quite some time now. Now that the winter grip is gone, and summer is upon us, I hope all who visit here are doing well in this thing called life. Me and Tachi are doing fine. I don't think Mrs. Anderson and I are reuniting, but that is ok. We are really good friends.
I hope everyone can forgive me for not posting in so long. I don't like comming off The Cuerna Verde. I know Tachi does not like it when we come to town. Too much commotion going on.
It's odd... I have totally taken myself out of the society cradle, and....
Well, let's just say it ROCKS!!!
I'll try and drop a posting after Sun Dance. And for you who would like to attend this ceremony, Sun Dance, get hold of me on my phone. COPPOLA! Be great to have you there. It'd be great for you.
Be well all of you,