
Friday, April 11, 2008

Spirit Guide Revealed

Hi all my friends.
Since the blessing ceremony for C'anupa, alot of great things have happened to me. I have found the person who will be conducting my Hambleac'a ceremony. It will be in Minnesota, in June, and this person who will be performing this important ceremony also is an interpreter of dreams and visions. I met him at an Inipi ceremony that he did for our small C'unka Luta Family here, and told me the meaning of my dream as it was told to him by the spirit that has decided to guide me on this C'unka Luta Was'te.
What the dream was about is not important to all of you. Only me. But the spirit that has taken me under his wing is quite unique.
Now most people would like to have something like an Eagle, or a powerful spirit like the Buffalo, or Bear. But I have the honor of having a very humble creature as my spirit guide.
He is a Goose.
Noble, humble, monogamous, and beautiful.
Thank you Brother Goose for guiding me through this crazy life. Thank you for choosing me!
Mitakuye Oyasin!