Some things just do not belong in some places. This is one of them there instances. If one looks at the goings on in the world today, there is an awful lot of that happening. Heyoka! The tricksters are out and powerful. A good friend has this statement that rings so true in these times. "There are no rules."
Open yourselves up to the possibilities of self governing. Reality tells us we need food, so learn how to grow it. You need clean water, so prepare by learning proper sterilization techniques. Learn how to build shelter. We are the hairless creatures, and need that protection.
And here is the best observation of reality. Don't go where you don't belong.
To Maga overheated 3 times going up to this delivery. She was a tired Peterbilt when she hit the barn that day.
Mitakuye Oyasin! Aho!
Brodda, sometimes we feel as though we don't belong; feelings can be like tricksters- I say, go wherever your heart feels good. Simple.
Nice post. Thanks.
Hey Brodda!
A special shout to Monkey!
Passin' true to say hay brodda.
Brodda, I grow concerned. How r u doing? You're missed very much.
please send my best to your lovely bride and family
Surfs up, brodda?
Hey Barn, I hope things are well with you, best wishes from Michigan.
The best funny actor/comedian...Denny Anderson. I've searched and searched GOOGLE but I have no idea where to find him. What became of him? I heard he's got a rig gig. If you are on the pike, please keep your ears open. :)
By THE WAY, H/P sends his humble and fond regards; thanks you for the heartfelt comment! You made his heart inflate even more.
Bless you Brodda! feel better. You gotta put your pedal to the metal!
Catch ya on the next wave,
Brodda Dugsy
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