The White Moon became Red, and so shall I!
I will be having a ceremony to be adopted into the Lakota Sioux Nation very soon. In order for me to practice this Red Road, I will not be seen as a "wannabe". I shall become. I did not choose my ancestry, my ancestry chose me. The only place I have not found hypocracy in spiritual belief is this Red Road. If I am to go cry for my vision from the Creator, Tunkasila, I must become closer to the people who are trusted in keeping it sacred. The White Buffalo Calf Woman came to these humble people, and presented them with The Sacred Calf Pipe hundreds of years ago, before the Whiteman came to conquer this beautiful land and it's peoples. By my becomming Lakota I will prove by my actions that my white race does not always follow the Black Road, but understands and accepts this closeness to the Creator. I hope to be an example to my people, of how it should be done, this worship, in a good way.
Mitakuye Oyasin!
Photo courtesy: AP
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