
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hello World...

Sundance was very....Well let's just say very.
I made the mad dash from the confines of society, only to fine the true power of the heart of mankind. Are we all so hard wired for the control of time, and other dimensions? Are we lost in the plain view of our Creator?! As a species we are not lost "to" our Creator. Rather, we are lost to ourselves. A good friend tried to get me to see my own true essence. Rather than getting a view of that, I experienced the Heart of Man, at it's greatest feat. Control.
We have to let it all go, and permit our universe to function in a normal frequency level. Not one that has to compensate for our misgivings of bad vibes in the Grand Scheme of Things. Our physical reality. OUR universe. Not his, or her, but OURS!
I pray to Tunkas'ila, Wakan Tanka, to open the eyes and ears of Maka Mankind.
Mitakuye Oyasin!

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