Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Living up to giving thanks and to those it is meant for
Irish-French on Mom's side, and Swedish-Germanic on the other. And for some strange reason, the only one besides mom still kickin, is my grandmothers sister, Dorothy. Ever since I can remember, she was the one my minds eye said would out live all, and she has. She was the rock when my dad took the journey. She taught me manners. Thank you. Olive Juice, Dorothy!
Mom...What can I say? Thank you for giving me the path into the world. I do what I can, and will someday give you that mark on the world that you like to see one of us make. I do that only for you. Thank you.
Boy's! If, & when you lay your peep's on this one, remember...I see this world for what it is, and she ain't bad looking. My goal is to make her understand that on a personal level. Imagine. Communicating with the Earth. That is what you 2 have given me. Those thoughts. Thank You!
All of you out there in "The Biz"...I thank you for tolerating me. I know that there is no box I can think outside of, it's more like a plastic bag. I let all of you know what it is and isn't I am thinking. I still follow my herding instincts I developed from generations gone by, and very long ago. Some of you ground me in the history of this dimension, and keep me fluid in knowledge of things that are past. Those are the one's I am drawn to.
Berto, CRC & EARSXXI, Dugsy Do Write, AWNB, Catherine, Alan T., Bella Dona, Phil R., Yanqui, Gene Day, Charlee S., Shabaaz. THANK YOU!
And of course I will not leave out my spiritual development and instructors. These are the ones who showed me that path to speak to the Earth. The one true creature that can save us. For showing me a medicine path, I say WOPILA! WOPILA to Kaya, Grizzly, Roger Fire Man, Slick, Sompnono, Little Bear & all his family, David Swallow and all his Sun Dancers, All those who are still practicing a way that is in balance with the Earth. Thank you.
And for all the living things in the Universe, I say thank you to you things for what you do for all of the other creations in this vast Universe. Thank you for all the elements! The things that make our water and air. Thank you!
And there! I gave my thanks!
Ciao for now, Barn
Friday, November 2, 2007
We must all think as individuals

Is our world and planet a living thing? An organisim in the vast ocean if the universe?
Something that we as individuals must feel, and communicate with? Treating her with the respect that a child would give it's mother?
Her soil gives us plants, and Her body creates the atmosphere. Kinda looking like we as inhabitants of such an awsome creature, should re-think our priorities and goals in life, so as to be in harmony with Her.
Ciao for now, Barn
Friday, September 21, 2007
Jordans First Day
Sunday, August 12, 2007
I'm home from Sundance
One of the biggest concerns is going to be the weather. Last year we had one blizzard that dumped a ton of snow here, and then we had our normal snowfall to add to it. I hope this is not the case for PAH FEST: Rockies.
I have been spinning the wheels in the fund raising department, and will have a massive accomplishment to undertake for this important feature.
I am working on bringing different genre to this PAH FEST. There are so many ways to tell the tale, and I want to have some competitions that will demonstrate this. PAH is a story teller, not just a filmmaker. PAH IS a tale in itself. One that is unfolding at an astonishing rate.
Christopher Coppola is a jewel in the spectrum of the human imagination. And when he helps us to become part of the teller of tales he gives us the tools that Douglas Aarne describes in his "I Am" film.
I am inspired to movement, and that movement is PAH.
Get ready Colorado! Once a train begins to roll, it's the engineer that stops it, and I have the throttle in my hands.
Ciao for now, The Barn
Monday, July 30, 2007
Off the Radar....Gladly ;)
I go to Sundance to learn of a better way, and I receive that instruction there. A very young Lakota Sioux boy once asked his Grandfather why the birds flew. His Grandfather put it so simply..."He remembers his original instruction's."
It is at sun dance I remember mine.
Food for thought kids.
Ciao for now, and till 8/6/07
Mitakuye Oyasin!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
PAH FEST: Motown Digivangelist
Tune in! You can go to www.pahnation.com to find out more!
Ciao for now, The Barn
Sunday, July 15, 2007
PAH: FEST Motown, We Wish You All The Best
And on another note..........
CONGRATULATIONS to our PAH founder, Christopher Coppola, and EARS XXI for bringing us PAH NATION!
Everyone can go to www.pahnation.com and become part of the phenomena. Check it out!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Special Guest Judge
Here is the latest and the greatest on PAH FEST: Rockies! We have just gotten comfirmation that Native American Actor, Alan Tafoya will be a special guest speaker and judge at PAH FEST: Rockies. The ball is definitly rolling. If you do not know Alan, go to the bottom of my Blog here, and click his link.
More later!
Ciao for now, Barn
Roberto Codato has a GREAT TIME W/ Alan Arkin
Roberto and I are diligently working on bringing Mr. Arkin to PAH FEST: Rockies for yet another Improvisation Class! When I confirm the appointment, I'll be announcing it all over the place. OK. Well here anyway!
So throw out the acting class books you've grown so used to. Those do not work in Mr. Arkins class. He works on opening the true actors up in all of us. And doing it in a very natural and relaxed way!
More later!
Ciao for now, Barn
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Another PAH Hurdle Leaped
Markley Motors has graciously donated the use of a mini-van for the celebrity guests of PAH FEST: Rockies! Thank you Mr. Markley!
More to come soon!
Ciao for now, The Barn
Friday, July 6, 2007
PAH FEST: Rockies
PAH FEST:Rockies is gonna blow! My good friend, Christopher Coppola is givin da green light for PAH FEST: Rockies, so we are all going to meet up at the historic Stanley Hotel in Estes Park Colorado.
I got some pretty heavy hitters that might show up, and here is a hint to whom. Stephen King was in spired to write a book at this hotel that was eventually made into on of the greatest horror films up to today. The star of that film has been invited to attend PAH FEST: Rockies.
There will be several film competitions at PAH FEST: Rockies including, Mobiflicks, Cell Phone Picture Poetry, and for all you Doc film makers out there, a special contest of an interview of our special guest's.
If you live in Colorado, get in touch wit me. I'm gonna need some assistance getting dis ting off da ground.
And for more about PAH FEST go to www.pahfest.com
Ciao for now, Da Barn
Sunday, April 29, 2007
It's comming! The pilot is almost complete!

Ok! Now listen up! Me and the Barnyard crew are almost ready to get this freakin show in the tube. We got the script to the pilot almost done, and are going to get it in the hands of our Producer sometime next week.
It'll give to you, the audience, humor of a different variety, as well as the classic workings of a "family" doing what it is that they do the best. But to find out what it is, you'll have to keep checkin back here to find out the when's and where's.
You'll get to meet me, The Barn. And then there is my right hand man, The Captain. And to keep us going in Tinsle Town, there is The Prima Dona, along with her faithful body guard, Bella Fiore. And the Creme De La Resistance....The Yankee. Prima Dona's hit man, or should I say hit woman.
"The Biz"....It's the next big endevoure that a New York Family has to make. Papa Dee is gonna make sure of that! Find out how hard it is to make a film in Hollywood. Especially when it's done the way we do.
Ciao for now, The Barn
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
In Memory Of VT Students
The day is just a day, and the night is just a night.
But when friends are gathered in a certain way.
And horror flexes awsome might.
Nothing can break the strength of that.
The frienship and commradery as students sat.
No place to run to, and nowhere to hide.
What must have took place, I say with pride.
A professor stood and held a door.
Stopping him from killing just one more.
And the shielding body of one that died.
Saved another as she laid there and cried.
And now that it's over, we must all look inside.
Inside ourselves.
But never beside.
May God Bless ALL The Victims.
From the cast and crew of "The Biz".....God bless all the survivors.