
Sunday, February 3, 2008

Searching For A Vision

In all the wonderment of this world there is one special thing I keep going back to. Or should I say, keeps comming back to me. It is called Hemblecha. In the world of the "New Agers" it is called a Vision Quest.
I have walked on a Red Road for quite some time now, and regularly attend an Inipi Ceremony. It is a purification ceremony that the native peoples of this continent practice.
In June I will go to a special Inipi Ceremony and then immediatly be taken to a secluded place on a hill, where I will sit in one place and pray to the Creator for 4 days. No food or water during that time. Just me and the universe. I will pray to recieve a vision of what it is I am supposed to do in this world.
That is a very strange thing as I am 44 years of age now, and will be 45 when I go up on the hill. Native Americans go when they are young, and do it every year for the rest of their life, or until they recieve their vision from Tunkashila. (The Creator)
There are certain people I will ask to help me by keeping a fire while I am there. There must be a fire kept during this time of prayer. I have already asked the people I have selected to be there for this work. I will only ask once, and then put my trust in Tunkashile to guide them to this work. It must be in the heart of the ones asked. I think it will become apparent to those selected of the importance of this act of kindness.
I post this Blog now as a cronicle of this journey I am embarking on.
Mitakuye Oyasin! (All My Relations)


Anonymous said...

How often have you done this, Barn? Perhaps I will take a little solo motorcycle trip and do it this year.

Anonymous said...

Bro, thank you for being a Heart Talker and for sharing your spiritual journey with us...CRC, the same goes for you, too. It's a beautiful thing, that we can be "All is One" as a religiously diverse family.

I wish we lived close. When I am moved to clear my head and have a heart to heart talk with God, I head to the bay near our home. There is something about the sound of waves, seagulls, and whatever else comes with the sea that connects my heart and soul to God. Anyhow during this time, I thank God I'm rich not with money but with my family and dear friends, like both of you. I think by now you how much I love and admire you guys. Plus, I never like to sound like a broken record. No matter where you hearts roam, just know that I support all of you.



Anonymous said...

Hey Barn,

Yeah there was a Solar Eclipse. Now we're building up to a Total Lunar Eclipse on Feb. 21. Neptune, the planet of mysticism, is moving onto your Moon. Your dreams are going to get really wild.


The Thinker said...

My dreams got that way last night! I dreamt I was able to see 2 planets setting on the horizon but I could make out terrain features of both of them, like they were only a couple of hundred miles away from the planet.
I practice a Native american Spiritualisim that teaches us about the Star Peoples and their nations. They are called The Wachapi Wichon (Star People)
Tomarrow I am going out to pray to the Moon and those prayers are supposed to go DIRECTLY to the Creator. I welcome all of it, and do appriciate your help. I am greatful to you Monkey.
Stay in touch. ok?

Anonymous said...

This might be a little old, but I am an Australian teen who wants to learn more about The Creator, I have been looking around and never even heard of the Star people. Is there anywhere I can go to help me learn more?